Thursday, September 20, 2007

What I call a "med school moment"

If you're not firmilar with these they are moments of high stress, anger, anxiety, sadness and PMS and it's all wrapped in one 5'2 package. It was one of those days where everything goes wrong. Picture this...

I come home from work and pick up my prepared meals from Sociale. (I recommend this if you eat along a lot because you just heat it up and eat and then the next person can just warm it up when they get home) I took the meals home and put them away. Then I got a call from Bryan who was at work. He told me that his day off this weekend is Friday. He has to work Saturday and Sunday. Saturday is my grandma's birthday, and Sunday is my parent's 30th anniversary and we are having brunch.

Now usually this doesn't bother me, I'm pretty used to going to family things on my own but it was just something about this day.

So I get off the phone and decide that I need to go to the grocery store to pick up everyday stuff. It's raining, I have to go to the store, and I'm crabby.
I get the stuff I need and fit it in 4 bags that I can carry on my own plus toilet paper. I get out to the car and as I open the door I step in the biggest puddle you have ever seen. So I throw the bags in the car, curse a little... well a lot and drive home. As I'm putting the groceries away I notice that one of my yogurts is dented (normally not a big deal but...)and then as I'm putting stuff away a yogurt falls off the counter and hits me on the head. At this point I've had it- I put the stuff away and throw- THROW the toilet paper into the bathroom.

I bought a little Betty Crocker one serving cake thing at the store and I sit down to eat it and watch Weeds. I am not letting myself answer the phone since it would be scary for anyone on the other end.

Bryan gets home from work late and I am in no mood. None of this is his fault but because I married him, it's his fault now! He is calm like always and tells me about his day of saving lives and poking people in the ICU. He loves it, which makes this all so much worse! I mean it's good, he never complains and really loves what he's doing. But it's hard when he's never home and he spends all his time with sick people! Stupid sick people, with their being sick!!!

All in all I need to just let it out at times and then let it go. It seems to help, so thanks for bearing with me!
Luckily I have the greatest husband that never complains and makes the time we do spend together really special!

Thank you for reading and next time you go to the doctor, ask them if they're married and then tell your doctor to thank their spouse!
Now everyone- go do your homework!

1 comment:

Katherine said...

Oh my Gosh! One person's missary is another person's joy. I laughed so hard about your bad day because I've had one very similar to that not too long ago. Seriously it's just what I needed, a good laugh and to hear that other people have sucky days too. Liz I was laughing so hard I was crying which I never do, so that's how much I needed a good laugh. I hope you don't think that I think your bad day's are enjoyment for me but this one just struck me. Hope you have better ones to come and great news about your mom and uncle, so happy for you guys. p.s. I updated my blog