Tuesday, September 30, 2008

20 weeks

So, our big ultrasound under our belt and I'm feeling good. Well I am starting to get a little back pain but I think it's because I'm not sleeping well since I used to be a stomach sleeper. I don't like body pillows and it's hard to sleep with a pillow between my legs. Any advice?
I am starting to feel him kick more now so that has been fun and makes it feel a lot more real. Bryan is getting frustrated he can't feel it yet, but I told him soon!
Although I don't know a lot of husbands who try to feel the baby kick and instead says, "wow, your uterus is huge!"
Luckily scrub pants are easy access for us so that is nice for p.j.'s!
My 20 week picture
Do you like our fireplace? I thought it was much better than a boring wall!

Random thoughts and updates

So things have been going well but Bryan has been working so much I hardly remember what he looks like, especially in the day light! This month he is in the ICU and goes in at 4:30am and gets home around 8pm. He has a snack says, "wanna watch a movie?" or "how was your day?" and by 9pm he's sleeping. I feel so bad, he works so many hours and still has to do work from home. Luckily they say next year should be a lot better but he will have the same kind of schedule for February when the baby is due so I'm hoping to go a little late. March he has Neuro and will have a much better schedule. ( I am fully aware that by the middle of February I might be whistling a different tune.) Although for residency his paternity leave consists of the day I go into labor and the day we come home. So, not a lot!!! B

But I'm very proud of him for working so hard and learning so much. He is also really enjoying teaching the med students. It does make the time we spend together very special. But I'm starting to feel like we're back in high school because I wear his sweatshirt on his call nights! Lame, I know!!!

Here is a rare pic of us from last weekend when we were out, and had a great time!
My good friend Jess was married a couple weeks ago, she looked beautiful in her dress! They also had a really cool ceremony at a Unitarian church. My mom was my date because Bryan was working and we had a really nice time. I had a couple Shirly Temples and had to pass up the free champagne. That was hard!!!
I know that people don't want to get political but that's part of who I am and how I grew up. It's really a part of me so I'm going to touch on it. It is difficult being in a conservative small town when I'm not used to that, but we're getting through. Bryan and I watched both conventions which is always interesting. Since I have been door knocking and working for campaigns since I could walk I have to be active during this time of year.
Being that all I have seen was McCain signs here I was a little curious how my Obama sign was going to go down on our little street. One neighbor a middle aged man gave me a weird look, looked down and kept chopping wood. Then the next day after the sign was out for a day, my other neighbor, a woman in her early thirties said, "i like your sign", as I was walking out to the mailbox. I was so surprised I didn't know what to say, but "ahhhh, thanks."
Going Political!

So this is the first time I was able to get a sign up in my OWN yard, I felt old! I always remember growing up, being nervous this time of year whenever people would come over or drop me off at my house. We always had at least 3 signs up!!! And coming from catholic schools my whole life, there was a lot of money there. I remember talking politics since I was 8. I know it's not normal for a lot but it was for my family! My grandma was the secretary for Bruce Vento who was a congressman for many years. One of his campaign posters is him talking to my mom and dad, and I'm about 2 years old looking at the camera. (My sister was also in the pic, but in my Mom's belly!)

To be honest I have always been active in politics and as much as I am a liberal, I really hate when people don't vote and don't inform themselves of what is going on in the world and how the politicians line up with their views and values. As much as I have fought being political and outspoken it's who I am! And I'm okay with it. I won't even get nervous when people pull into my drive way and look at my sign!

I know there are some of you who don't agree with my views, and as passionate as I am because of the work I have done I know that I can't convince anyone. So I will stand up for what I believe and listen with an open mind to the other side. That's my goal at least!

So don't forget to vote! Sorry about the ramble!!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

We are having a ...


The ultrasound went really well today. Everything looked good, and I was measuring right on with my due date. So its staying on Valentine's Day!

Bryan had a very busy day since he was on short call. So I went into the appointment and he was going to try and get there as soon as he could. I told the tech the situation and she did all the other measurements and stuff. Then at the end the receptionist came in and asked if my husband could come in. I think I jumped off the table and barely let her get the sentence out before I said, "yeah, he's here, let him in!" He was just in time and the tech was so great, she went over all the things with Bryan and then asked us if we were ready to know the sex. She started looking and trying to get the little guy to not cross his legs so we could see the parts. Then she said, "well I'm seeing extra parts!" The first thing I said was "I told you!" to Bryan.

After that I met with my doctor, Bryan had to head back. Which made his time in at the appointment about 5 minutes, but it was the 5 that I needed. Just someone to hold my hand and remind me this was real, AND I didn't have to find out the sex by myself!

So all is good! I am feelings good and the belly is growing!

Monday, September 8, 2008

17 week update

So here is my 17 week picture... I'm loving the maternity pants! So comfy!

My poor husband taking a little nap after his on call night.
Bryan making burgers after his 25 hour shift.
This are going well! Bryan is working a lot, which sucks and my work schedule is a lot of noon to 8pm. Which is great for sleeping in, but Bryan and I don't get much time together. Small price to pay to save some lives! I am very proud of him for all the work he does, with lack of sleep and NEVER complains.

Some visitors to Rochester!

This past Sunday Erin and Kat came down with their little ones. It was so nice to have some visitors come down and see our house. We went out to lunch and then to the park before it started raining!
Thank you ladies for coming down! It was wonderful to see you!
All of us at lunch
Daylen, Rowan and Annie sitting in front on the door at Cold Stone
Me and Rowan measuring who is taller!
Someone took a little spill on the slide, and smeared the blood all over her face!
Annie enjoying her fries