Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Interview season

So far Bryan has interviews at the following places:

~U of MN
~Mayo Clinic
~Kansas City
~Medical College of WI
~Cleveland Clinic
~Seattle (I forgot the name of the hospital)

We will be dropping a couple of these cities since it gets quite expensive to fly and stay in all of these cities in a month's time. I will be going to Clevland and Vermont and we will stay in Vermont for a few days.

*Bryan is currently at Mayo doing an anesthesia rotation and will interview there in the next couple weeks.
*Then he is off in December to travel and interview at all of these places.
*February we give them our rank list and wait until March.

~Things are starting to get back to normal, a little. Jimmy is still in the hospital and having some complications but we're hoping that after the follow up surgery yesterday they found the problem and he will be home for Thanksgiving. So please keep him in your prayers. My mom is home recovering and looking great, just worried about Jimmy.

~This week finally feels like things are getting back to normal, now I'm just waiting for a phone call from Janell and the new baby!


Anne Bjerken said...

Tell Bryan good luck for me, so exciting! Thanks for keeping us all updated on your family, I am thinking about all of you.

Kelly K said...

This is very exciting! Good Luck Brian, it certainly cannot be easy with all of those fabulous locations.

Carrie said...

Yay, Dr. Bryan! Make sure to tell him to get real excited when he opens the letters for his interviews! Let me know if I can do anything for you! Make sure to take care of yourself--movies, chocolate, whatever you need...

Beth said...

Good luck to Bryan!! I hope that it all goes well for him and that he is able to get one of his top picks!! Keep us updated on the process and on things with your uncle...we are all praying for you and him!