Monday, June 29, 2009

Mommy Questions

Owen is sleeping pretty great at night now, last night he was down from 10:30-6:00am!!! It was nice! But he still doesnt nap well. When he does goes down it takes a lot of rocking from me and the naps only last a half an hour. When I told my doc she said that some babies are just like that and it will probably get better especially when he eats more solids. But I still don't do the "lay him in the crib when he's drowsy and he'll drift off to sleep..." My ass! The only thing drifting off is me and it's to crazy land! I really prefer sleeping at night to good naps but is it too much to ask for both? So I'm curious people's opinions...

Should I work on putting him down drowsy?
Will he just learn how to fall asleep when he gets bigger?

I nurse him to sleep at night but during the day he eats, then we play for an hour or two and then I put him down...
I started a naptime routine, like bedtime with books, dimmed light and music...

Any suggestions or what did you do that worked or didn't work?

Isn't it sad when all your blog posts are about babies?

Also- I am making a vow to start cooking more, especially since Owen is getting much better at keeping himself happy. So I would love some easy, simple dinners, healthy would help too!

Kat- can i get the Chow Mein you made us before? It was yummy!!!

Thanks ladies!


Katherine said...

I will bring the recipe in July, hopefully you'll still be able to meet for dinner and drinks. If not I'll mail them to you. I've got a few others that are quick easy and essentially nummy! No advice on the sleeping other than let him cry. It's the hardest thing to do but it works sometimes. Keep up the routines! I laughed when you commented on how your blog is all about babies. I was just thinking that when I was looking back at older posts of my blog and every single picture was of Annastasia! Funny how they become the center of your lives and your blog.

Tiffany and Brian said...

It sounds like you're doing wonderful... I know it's frustrating. I do think when the time is right 3-4 months that you can just let them learn how to put themselves to sleep. It takes 2-3 days but it is well worth it. There was a definate transition with Adelyn at this time and she would dose off easily from being wide awake. Kade also transitioned at this time but that's because I gave up on a few things... and he slept as well.
I think the whole solid foods thing is kbunk... it interrupted sleep with Addi because of gas with each new food and Kade was a big baby, ate well and didn't sleep. See you soon.. Take some picts of you and baby (get a tripod)

amrolih said...

I struggled with naps with Nolan for a long time! I finally started putting his in his crib when he was drowsy and let him talk himself to sleep. I put a double-sided book in the crib next to him (you may have seen a picture of it on Sarah's blog because she has the same one!) and he would talk to Zebra and flower until he was conked out! The first few days he cried the first few minutes by himself, but eventually he started to enjoy it. It sometimes took half an hour before he fell asleep, but that was an extra half hour that I had to clean, cook, or visit the real world via the Intrenet!

MJ Lamon said...

He is sleeping at night, that is awesome!! Great job! I don't know about the drowsy and falling asleep either. It seems to get harder the older they get. They now know a crib is a crib and they get upset when they are put into it. I do the same as you feed, play until they can't keep their eyes open and then nap. I just hate when they take the 20 minute cat naps. I rather have two long naps without any short naps during the day. I do give them nuks too. They prefer the MAM ones or the playtex ortho. If it gets them settled down I'm ok with it. I just got a video of Ethan falling asleep. I'll post it. It is pretty funny! You are a great mom. Keep doing what you do! I miss you...are you around next Thursday?