Thursday, March 26, 2009

Sleep... or lack there of

I will post pictures soon but I have a question...

My little guy is doing well, eating well, playing and getting big but he WILL NOT sleep in his basinett. He is kinda stuffy when he lays down so I called the doc and they said to use a humidifier, saline then suction his nose and prop a book under the mattress to help. He will sleep on my chest for 6 hours at a time at night but when I lay him down he wakes up within an hour. I am hoping these suggestions will help since I think that his stuffy nose is why he wont sleep laying flat. It seems to get worse when he is flat. But if that's not it... for all you parents, any idea's? I know he can sleep for long periods because he has done it two nights but both on me. Any suggestions on how to break him in there? I feel guilty not forcing it but if he stays asleep for hours at a time I am going to go with it because I'm so tired!

Please help! I'll take anything!!


Tiffany and Brian said...

I'll see you maybe tomorrow... No baby likes to lay flat. I've tried a lot of things in my day so we can test them out. Is it flat, or that the blankets are cold to lay on or is it lacking mom's scent... Is he wanting to sleep on his tummy? have you seen the nap nanny. I believe its This is how I kind of build up rolled blankets for Addi..

Anonymous said...

when max was about 6 weeks old, we started getting him into a routine of eating, then 'playing', then sleeping (this is from the baby whisperer book). at nighttime, we'd just cut out the 'playing' part. we always put him down in his crib drowsy to fall asleep, if we got him there before he nodded off. :) if he was having trouble, we would stand next to his crib and pat his back and 'shhh' until he dropped off to sleep. it worked really well for us - it taught him to be really comfortable in his crib and he started sleeping through the night around 2-3 months (well, bedtime at 7, then we'd feed him again at 10, then he'd sleep until 5 or so).

that's just what worked for us... take it or leave it. :) some people would just say to do whatever works to get him to sleep (if that means sleeping on you, then go for it), and that's great if it works for you and you're happy! i liked the baby whisperer book though, so we've always tried to 'start as you mean to go on' as she says - meaning, if we didn't want max sleeping on us all night when he was 9 months old, we didn't let him when he was 9 weeks, you know? same with walking him around to get him to sleep, letting him use the swing, etc... i mean, we weren't totally anal about it, but overall we worked pretty dang hard to be consistent with teaching him how to fall asleep on his own. i don't know how much of it was our methods or how much is just his personality, but he is a great sleeper that we now can just tuck in at night and leave to fall asleep. :)

your little guy is still so tiny, i'm sure he'll figure it out soon! i'm always happy to chat babies if you want to email (i'll try to remember the dark early days - i'll be back there soon enough myself! :) good luck!

Amy said...

We went through this stage, too. Jack would not sleep unless he was held for the first few weeks. Then we figured out Jack liked to sleep in his car seat because it allowed him to sit up and the Bundle Me we have attached to the seat kept him snuggled. We finally graduated to the swing (after he was put on Zantac for relfux) and that period lasted for a month. He is now sleeping in his bassinet and doing great. I do think running a humidifier will help keep his mucus more liquidy so the poor little guy won't get stuffed up;therefore, the suctioning you do will be more effective. Our air gets so dry in the winter and is hard on our little ones. This phase will pass, I promise.
Love you~

amrolih said...

Nolan had a similar problem when he was a few weeks old. He got a nasty cold and was stuffed up for awhile. We broke down and started laying him on his side. (Don't call the mommy police!) I think the first couple of times I did this I sat and watched the entire time he slept to make sure he was breathing the entire time, but in the end it worked. He didn't roll onto his tummy, and I got sleep without a peanut on my chest! He didn't sleep for six hours, but at that time, anything longer than and hour and a half was heaven. Once the congestion was gone, he went to his back no problem.

Good luck!

Katherine said...

Sleep deprivation sucks!!! babies are smart, they know when you're there and when you're not. He loves his mama a lot, especially to sleep on huh! I'd prop him more upright, make him a wedge out of something or try the bouncy chair. I hear ya, ANYTHING TO GET SOME SLEEP!! We stuck Annie in the swing and she slept through the night at 3months, not too bad. Annie also slept with us in our bed, I KNOW I KNOW, NAUGHTY PARENTS, but it was nice for us. No one can judge you if they've never been sleep deprived, I think anyways. If you really want him to sleep in bed (not yours) then I'd try his crib. Some babies do very well in their cribs. Swaddle him up, wedge him up and give it try. Sounds like the nose could be making him uncomfortable, I'd keep up with the saline drops and sxn. At least you can say you tried everything, eventually something will work.

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

My little dude started out the same way. We put a towel under his mattress and I found he slept better in his crib than in the pack and play next to our bed. Go figure. I hope you're getting some sleep. It's so hard those first couple months but it does get easier!