Thursday, May 29, 2008

Quick update

Well we are in the midst of the chaos but I thought I would send a quick update before we are between internet sites! We did our final walk through of the house today and everything looked great! We also met the current owners who were very nice. The husband was just finishing his anesthesia residency and took at job in Utah at a private practice group. They have 3 kids, I can't imagine trying to move 3 kids! They have to stay in a hotel for the next month before they move.

Bryan and I were in Duluth from Monday to Wednesday and had a really nice time. The weather didn't really cooperate until Wednesday but it's Duluth so what do you expect. We hit all of our usual spots and also saw the new Indiana Jones movie- it was good! When Bryan asked me if I was ready to head back I realized that I had so much to do I didn't want to, I just wanted to keep eating my malt and looking at the lake, much better than packing and cleaning! But I was really relieved and happy that we could take a little trip away, just the two of is before all the moving and Bryan's new schedule started!

My sister treated me to a play last night. She took me to Spamalot and it was hilarious! We had a really good time! We started the night with drinks and app's on the rooftop at Solera. It was fun to spend some time with her before we left.

Tonight I am off to see Sex and the City- the movie. I am super pumped! My sister and I are going with a few other ladies to the 12:01 (midnight) showing, should be fun but a long night! Then tomorrow at 9am we are going to my uncle's office to close our house!

I hope you are all doing well and I will be in touch just as soon as we get settled! I do start my new job on Monday so I really didn't give myself much time but I thought I might as well get a jump on it! My last couple days at work were pretty rough, sad and difficult. I had to say good-bye to not only co-workers but also many volunteers. It was hard but nice to know that I was able to get to know so many amazing people. The topper was when I left on my last day and my boss was there. She is usually not a very sensitive person so I was pretty surprised when I gave her a hug before leaving and I turned around and she was crying. How many bosses cry when you leave? Not many- I was very lucky to work with such amazing people. All the volunteers and staff signed a book for me with their emails and little notes, it is really amazing and I am so glad I have it. Okay, no more tears, time for new things!

Wish us luck with the move and closing! Take care!


Katherine said...

Happy moving! I feel like my basement has never been unpacked as boxes and boxes of things seem to end up down there. :)
Can't wait to see pictures of the house!

amrolih said...

Good luck with the move! Can't wait to see pictures of the new place once you're all settled in. Hope you're enjoying your first day at the new job! Wow - a lot of changes in such a short time - you're a trooper.