So, our big ultrasound under our belt and I'm feeling good. Well I am starting to get a little back pain but I think it's because I'm not sleeping well since I used to be a stomach sleeper. I don't like body pillows and it's hard to sleep with a pillow between my legs. Any advice?
I am starting to feel him kick more now so that has been fun and makes it feel a lot more real. Bryan is getting frustrated he can't feel it yet, but I told him soon!
Although I don't know a lot of husbands who try to feel the baby kick and instead says, "wow, your uterus is huge!"
Luckily scrub pants are easy access for us so that is nice for p.j.'s!
My 20 week picture
You look adorable! I love that Bryan comments on the size of your uterus.
I wish I had advice for the sleeping, my third trimester was filled with getting up every few hours to pee. Good luck
You look so cute. I love the fireplace. The perfect place to put stockings for you, Bryan, Baby P....
Nice Uterus... Just kidding, you look beautiful. So what are you doing with your time??? I'm sure you are missing your husband. We're thinking of you guys...
I think the baby already looks like me...I can just tell. He loves his one and only Auntie Noelle!!! :-) We are going to get into so much trouble together!!!
Th bump is as big as I was at 7months!!!!! :) Don't take that the wrong way, I'm jelous that I didn't show until I was 7months.
Anyways, Tell Bryan that he probably won't feel the baby kick until you're cloer to 30weeks. Maybe sooner since you're growing beautifully.
Sleeping stinks. Have you tried sleeping on your back with a roll under your legs. this may help take the pressure off your back. Not much advise other than the body pillow, that thing became one with me at night.
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