So things have been going well but Bryan has been working so much I hardly remember what he looks like, especially in the day light! This month he is in the ICU and goes in at 4:30am and gets home around 8pm. He has a snack says, "wanna watch a movie?" or "how was your day?" and by 9pm he's sleeping. I feel so bad, he works so many hours and still has to do work from home. Luckily they say next year should be a lot better but he will have the same kind of schedule for February when the baby is due so I'm hoping to go a little late. March he has Neuro and will have a much better schedule. ( I am fully aware that by the middle of February I might be whistling a different tune.) Although for residency his paternity leave consists of the day I go into labor and the day we come home. So, not a lot!!! B
But I'm very proud of him for working so hard and learning so much. He is also really enjoying teaching the med students. It does make the time we spend together very special. But I'm starting to feel like we're back in high school because I wear his sweatshirt on his call nights! Lame, I know!!!
Here is a rare pic of us from last weekend when we were out, and had a great time!

My good friend Jess was married a couple weeks ago, she looked beautiful in her dress! They also had a really cool ceremony at a Unitarian church. My mom was my date because Bryan was working and we had a really nice time. I had a couple Shirly Temples and had to pass up the free champagne. That was hard!!!

I know that people don't want to get political but that's part of who I am and how I grew up. It's really a part of me so I'm going to touch on it. It is difficult being in a conservative small town when I'm not used to that, but we're getting through. Bryan and I watched both conventions which is always interesting. Since I have been door knocking and working for campaigns since I could walk I have to be active during this time of year.
Being that all I have seen was McCain signs here I was a little curious how my Obama sign was going to go down on our little street. One neighbor a middle aged man gave me a weird look, looked down and kept chopping wood. Then the next day after the sign was out for a day, my other neighbor, a woman in her early thirties said, "i like your sign", as I was walking out to the mailbox. I was so surprised I didn't know what to say, but "ahhhh, thanks."
Going Political!
So this is the first time I was able to get a sign up in my OWN yard, I felt old! I always remember growing up, being nervous this time of year whenever people would come over or drop me off at my house. We always had at least 3 signs up!!! And coming from catholic schools my whole life, there was a lot of money there. I remember talking politics since I was 8. I know it's not normal for a lot but it was for my family! My grandma was the secretary for Bruce Vento who was a congressman for many years. One of his campaign posters is him talking to my mom and dad, and I'm about 2 years old looking at the camera. (My sister was also in the pic, but in my Mom's belly!)
To be honest I have always been active in politics and as much as I am a liberal, I really hate when people don't vote and don't inform themselves of what is going on in the world and how the politicians line up with their views and values. As much as I have fought being political and outspoken it's who I am! And I'm okay with it. I won't even get nervous when people pull into my drive way and look at my sign!
I know there are some of you who don't agree with my views, and as passionate as I am because of the work I have done I know that I can't convince anyone. So I will stand up for what I believe and listen with an open mind to the other side. That's my goal at least!
So don't forget to vote! Sorry about the ramble!!
I love the rant! Whether people agree with each other politically or not, the passion is great for the county. Good for you straying from the pack in your neighborhood. Keep ranting!
That's why I've always admired you--you're passionate, no matter what the topic. It will be even better if you march in the street with your baby belly (when it's really big) and carry your sign...
I liked your ramble about the politics. I was actually up in the air about voting until I did some research on all the canidates. Plus I brought up the fact that I did not know if I was going to vote during the 3-day and did not hear the end of it. I guess that is not something you say around a large group of women. Your pictures on the pregnancy update are so adorable.
Totally hear ya on the absent hubby. Lately it seems like I'm a single parent and that's not fun. But just in the nic of time he shows up and saves the day. Let's just say that on Thursday, Adam gets to have the kids all to himself for three whole days while I catch up on myself, the house, and knitting!!!
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