Things are going well, my baby is sleeping well. He goes down between 9-10 and sleeps until between 2-3am, nurses for about a half an hour and then sleeps until 6am-ish. He nurses and goes down for a cat nap and wakes up for good around 8am. We nurse and then cuddle for a while- its great! I think what has really helped was our bedtime routine. Bath, books and nursing. I didn't realize how much it really helps, he seems to know it's time to sleep! He's not a great napper, sometimes half hour long and max hour and a half but those aren't too often. But I have always said, I can live with not a lot of napping if he's sleeping better at night!
I'm taking a class in July for 3 weeks to be able to tutor kids with dyslexia. It pays really well and I'd only have to work a few hours a week. I'm not sure how many students i'd get at first so i'm still looking for a nanny job to get us through until i know if the tutoring will give us enough money alone. I am nervous about a few things though- taking a class and being back in "school" and having to be away from my baby for 8 hours a day. I have to keep reminding myself its temporary and will allow me to stay home for good. I'm just worried because its just the two of us all day everyday most of the time. Also because I really have to start pumping more and freezing milk. So thats the update, looking for jobs has been stressful but hopefully it will all work itself out.
Next mission: to get Owen from his bassinet to the crib! He's already 3 months! Where does the time go? Its hard to remember life without him and hard to remember what free time was! But its totally worth it!
Bryan insisted Owen visit the Easter bunny!

Bryan's friend Chris sent us all the U stuff! (I drool maroon and gold)

Addy holding Owen
Free time? What the heck is that. You got a sleeping baby at night and that is good! I can't wait!! Good job mama! Tutoring sounds like a good idea too. I don't know if I told you but I applied to grad school and did get in. I just can't imagine taking so much time away from the boys. I can understand!
Miss you! MJ
Good to read your update, Eliz! I think about you guys all the time...and wonder what your daily routine has evolved to be. Let me know whenever you would like my company or help around the house. I'm always here for ya! I love you! (I went out to LA to visit Katie and Bobby for 5 days, and it was awesome! Things with the new boy are super good...I will tell you sometime how cool he is...and how my life now includes farm chores!)
We could be sisters in that pic! I think it's our glasses and smile. Glad to hear that sleeping is getting somewhat better. I love the pic of you holding Owen close to your face, you look like a proud mama! Love ya, hope you're doing well.
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