Friday, February 6, 2009

Question for Mom's

Since I'm sitting here just waiting to pop I had a thought. For all you Mom's out there...

How did you start labor? Were you induced? Did your water break? Did you start having contractions?

Were you early? Were you overdue?

Everyone keeps telling me that they tried things to get labor going and nothing really worked. Anything work for you?

I'm getting pretty uncomfortable and since we have everything ready I just want to get him out. I have also decided to stop watching 'A Baby Story' and 'Bringing Home Baby'. You know you're ready to be done being pregnant when you root for the "natural birth plan" Mom's to have bad labor and get an epidural!!! The show used to make me cry or get excited and now I'm just jealous that they aren't pregnant anymore!

So- I'd love to hear some labor stories, it might help me live through your labors!
I'll take a picture tomorrow, but I haven't gained any weight so I'm not sure if I look any different. Think contraction thoughts...


Anonymous said...

I totally feel for you! I know what it is like to just want the kid OUT! I'm at 32 weeks and at that point already =)

Good call on not watching a Baby Story anymore, those just get annoying. I've also decided to stop reading Parenting magazine, it just ends up being a lot of useless information since you have to experience things yourself before you can figure out how you want to deal with them. Plus, there is a lot of unneccesary scary info out there!

Labor story for me...

With Cooper and Ainsley I was having contractions and 3cm dialated at 39 weeks, but not moving past that. Rather than spend 3 days in labor and be exhausted by the time the baby came, we chose (with our doctor's prodding) to induce.

With Cooper, I tried dealing with the pain and got an epidural at about 6cm, with Ainsley, I got one right away. Ainsley's birth was easy and totally by the book and how I'll do it with this third baby as well.

Cooper's birth ended up having complications because my doctor had to do an emergency Csection and left my epidural on too high for too long. So then I had to wait for it to mostly wear off before I could push. Which led to a vacuum extraction at the end. The nurses were very unhappy because none of the drama at the end would have happened if they had been allowed to deliver Cooper themselves and not wait for the doctor. oh well. That experience taught us how important it is for the husband to be your advocate (the dr wanted us to do a Csection, John talked him down as I was just ready to get the baby out and didn't care what happened next). If John hadn't been there to say we really wanted to try natural birth, I would have had a Csection and have been unhappy with dealing with the healing process.

I don't think things work for inducing labor, they are all wives tales. I had authentic eggplant parmesean (the eggplant seeds and spices used help induce) and we walked a lot and had sex. The wives tales are fun to do just because they take your mind off of labor. I have done induction massages, and if you're already close to labor, they DO help. But they have to be done by a certified massuse or doula.

It is a scary and anxious time, and if you need anyone to chat with, just let me know! I'm a firm believer in having an idea of what you'd like out of your birth, but be prepared for it to go the total opposite and stay calm. The nurses are the most amazing part of labor and are your best friends and allies! I totally believe in epidurals (I wouldn't get a root canal without pain killers, why would I have a kid without lessoning the pain?) for many reasons, both personal and medically proven.

I loved being in the hospital with my newborn as it allowed 1 on 1 time, all you can eat pudding, and rest before going home and starting the craziness. They had to kick me out of my room with Ainsley, I stayed until the last minute my insurance would allow =)

Tiffany and Brian said...

So stop watching the baby story... You will never really grasp labor until you go through it. I was 10 days late with both children and induced with both. Addi I was dialated to 4 for at least a week before being induced. Kade they said I was almost a 6 and still not in labor, if that is even possible. Dialation means nothing as far as i'm concerned, except you have to be open enough to get a baby out. It really isn't 1cm an hour. Sometimes people go several centimeters an hour and sometimes you don't progress. Nothing and I say NOTHING will induce your labor. I've tried it all!!! well except eggplant. But if you feel constipated try some castor oil... It won't induce labor but it will make you clean!!! (really don't try this, nasty) Best to keep busy as much as possible so you stop thinking.
Adelyn's birth was the best I could have asked for.. The people I had with me and the surroundings etc just made it beautiful. I think the best was they took all the wires, cuff, and everything off so I could nurse Addi right away and then everyone just disappeared. Very nice.
Kade was kind of scary but everything just worked out fine and could have been a lot worse. Weird things happen when your in labor and each is very different.
I just wish for you contentment and bliss with your birth...

Karla said...

I think I told Carrie this, and it might be a little TMI; but let's just say it involves your husband... Then go for a long walk.! With Abby, I did these things happened the day before I had her. I think I was around 40 1/2 weeks. She had waited until daddy could be home so that was good! Once at the hospital, I had her within like 6 hours, and something like 2 pushes! Good luck honey! Can't wait to hear~!

amrolih said...

I completely agree with Tiffany - you need to get away from all things baby on the television and keep busy. I know, easier said than done when you're as big as a house and the thought of standing up exhausts you.

We tried everything under the sun to get things moving, and I think it may have had the wrong effect. I had Nolan two weeks early. I started labor four days before he was born. I was dilated 3 cm and had contractions 3 minutes apart all weekend! Because of my uncomfort and annoyance, we didn't notice that my water broke because it was a slow leak. This lead all sorts of issues.

Whatever happens, you'll know what's best for you. Make sure the doctors and nurses listen to you, or once you're out of commision, they listen to Bryan.

We're thinking about you daily and wish you the best. I can't wait to see the little guy and hear your story after all is said and done! Take care of yourself.

Unknown said...

The best advice I can give you to jump start labor is to kiss Ross Gellar. It worked for Rachel Green - I don't see why it wouldn't work for you.

Katherine said...

Birth stories are fun to read. All the shows on TV are crap and are not realistic and give the wrong impression of how having a baby is like, so STOP WATCHING THEM is a great idea.
My water broke (in bed might I add) and contractions started right away. I was having mild contractions earlier that day due to the aversion I had that morning so I think that put me into labor. In the shower at home before going to the hospital I thought I was going to fall down cause the contractions were so close together and intense. Even though it was challenging I managed to shower, shave, blow dry and curl my hair, put on make-up and stall my husband before he convinced me to go to the hospital. Well, the rest is history and not too pleasant of a story to share, but just know that whatever the outcome is, you have your husband and healthy baby. The rest can be worked on if needed and life will flurish with the new little guy.

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

I had my membranes stripped but didn't go into labor for another week. I think sex is what got things moving for me. My water didn't break. I started having contractions the night before and was admitted the next morning at 2 cm. I also felt the need to straighten my hair and get pretty before I left for the hospital. My husband thought I was nutso! I had an epidural and was fully dialated two hrs. later. I ended up being two days early. Thank goodness because he was 8 lbs., 11 oz. Goodness knows how huge he would have been if I was late! Good luck!!! Oh and my husband banned me from the baby story because I kept freaking myself out!