Thursday, April 17, 2008

The medical marriage

There is a wonderful book coming out written by the wife of a doctor in St. Cloud. She has been through a lot in her life and has written a book for spouses of physicians. This is a first, if you look on Amazon for books for physicians, there are plenty, but if you look for spouses there is one, this book that Kris wrote. There is a teaser on the website and you can read the first 11 pages. I am so excited to get this book because it is great insight to the world we live in. Not glamorous, or exciting, but real and poor and struggling for time together. If you're interested in this book at all, or know any spouse of a med student, resident or physician, this would be a great book for them! It is not an easy road and not how it is portrayed. We are right in the middle of the calm before the storm. Bryan graduates in a couple months, then we move and he starts his 80+ hour work weeks. So, if you're interested please read some of the teaser and if you're really interested buy it or buy if for someone who might need it! I was thinking it would be a great book to have MY family and friends read, because it describes my point of view perfectly!

And with all this studying, test taking, stress, lack of time, lack of money, call nights, med school, residency, fellowships and beyond, here is my little doctor... in all his glory!
Okay, so I guess it's worth it!


Unknown said...

Is it really worth it to have to move to Chester the Molester? With the farm league baseball team and all its glory?

(do people realize that they don't have to be completely serious in these comment portions? Live a little people!!! heheh)

Carrie said...

I was excited to get my photo card in the mail! You should journal and write a book of essays about your experience. Goodness knows you have an audience!

Carrie said...

Maybe that's really not Bryan in the picture. It could be any kid. Don't let him fool you.