First off, my sister and Bryan and I got there in enough time to go in while they prepped mom. During this they get her all gowned up, and the anesthesiologist comes in. It was a resident and a med student. They ask questions and look for where they would like to start the IV. We were there in the little room, we were talking and Bryan was trying to log into the computer!
My mom has invisable veins so it took quite a few pokes before they called the attending who put in what they call an "infant size" needle to get something started. Luckily, I have my dad's veins, which are huge and you can't miss them!
We sat and waited and my mom's parents and two sisters came back to say hi to her and to Jimmy. Before she left my mom walked over to where Jimmy was being prepped and they kissed and went on their own ways. (I think it was much too emotional to even say anything)
Then we said our good-bye's and I love you's and they took my mom, she had her MP3 player that they let her have while she was going out and when she was waking up. (This was to try and calm the nerves!)
Then we started the fun time of WAITING... we the nice waiting room and after they prepped Jimmy everyone gathered.
Picture this: Me, Noelle, Bryan, my grandparents, Uncle Chris, Aunt Teri, Aunt Mary Jule, Aunt Becky (Jimmy's wife), my cousin Jaclyn, cousins Emily (and Brock) and Kelly (Jimmy's kids) and grandma and grandpa. And then my friend Meghan came to hang out, she is a resident at the U and she came on her day off!
So we took up a large part of the room, we made a little circle, it was nice!
Jaclyn brought Green Mill pizza and cookies for lunch. (Thank goodness for MJ & Jaclyn working there!)
But the tough part, waiting. It was nice to have other people as a distraction, but you could feel the tension when the phone would ring. They would give us periodic updates what they were doing, where they were at etc. Even though you know things are going well, every time that phone rings, you can feel it.
Everytime the annoying waiting room volunteer would come over- people could not pretend they weren't nervous.
Since there were so many of us my mom wanted me to take pictures of the "party" that she was missing, so here they are:

Since things are going well, it is much easier to look back and be okay, but it took quite a while before I was able to talk about it without getting choked up.
It's going to be a wonderful Christmas!
So many reasons to be thankful this season. Your family certainly will have a joyous and celebratory holiday. Thank you for sharing, and I am very relieved everything is going well for all.
I am so happy to know your Mom and Jimmy are on the mend. What a blessing!
Love to you!
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