Friday, August 17, 2007

Looking for a mid-sized SUV... HELP!

Recently Bryan and I have realized that his 1998 Ford Taurus may have to go. He bought it when we first started dating... in high school. We could put money into it but this winter he is going to be doing a lot of driving for residency interviews and I don't want him stuck in the middle of nowhere in December.

So, we have been looking at Jeep Grand Cherokee's, and other mid sized SUV's, but I am really open to suggestions. So please let me know, good or bad any suggestions or vehicles to stay away from.

Thanks!! Have a great weekend everyone!


Carrie said...

I've driven these and they seem a bit tippy to me. Maybe a Honda CRV or Toyota Rav? If we go bigger, I think we'll start there.

Anne Bjerken said...

Toyota Highlander, maybe a little bigger than mid-sized, but I really have no concept of mid-sized?

Kim said...

I don't know how big you are looking to go, but my parents have a CRV and I really like it.