Well I was waiting to update this with a picture but I'm going to be honest, I'm too tired and I dont think my belly has changed much. I will be 39 weeks on Saturday. I went to the doctor on
Tuesday and here are the stats:
-My bloodpressure is still nice and low. I haven't had any swelling which is nice. I still have my wedding ring on- no problem! I am grateful for this!
-I haven't gained any weight in a week, (Apparently some women dont gain any or lose weight in the last 4-6 weeks) I thought this would be my big weight push but apparently it's all baby!
-Baby's heart rate is good- 130's to 140's, while she was trying to find it he was moving and she could clearly see he was in there!
-Then she checked me: I am dialated to 1, easily. Then she decided to check and see if he was moving into position, which led her to strip some membrains and make ME want to cry! She said things looked good and she could see there was "progress" taking place!
So things are good. To be honest I'm getting pretty uncomfortable, not just sleeping but trying to get up off of a chair, picking something off the floor or doing anything that doesn't consist on sitting on my ass. Which is convenient because that's what I do most of the day!
Baby's room is pretty much ready, we just have to put some stuff on the walls, so I will take pictures of it this weekend and post them. I am really happy with how it turned out.
I think that the last couple weeks of pregnancy are really good for being really "over" the pregnancy phase and just wanting to meet your baby. Even though we're really nervous and not sure we're ready, the more uncomfortable I am the more ready I get! It's also a weird feeling just waiting for something to happen. It's pretty surreal to get up everyday just waiting to go into labor! There are two friends of mine down here who I met through nannying and they're both pregnant. Danni WAS due yesteryday the 4th, I am due the 14th and Naomi is due the 24th. We are all hoping to go in at the same time!!!
So, depending on how things go in the next few days I will post again after my next appointment on Tuesday, which will hopefully be my last! We'll see...