Friday, February 20, 2009

Owen Charles

Owen Charles Pershing was born February 17th, at 7:33pm. He was 6lbs 12oz and 18in.
I went into labor Monday around 6pm with contractions all night, went to the hospital around 7:30am and labored without meds until 2pm and I was 7 cent.
Epidural was a god send and made me feel like I had the energy to push.
I started pushing around 6:15 or so and after a little over an hour he was born! We are very lucky everything went to smoothly and are now enjoying our little boy!
Here are some pictures... I hope to update this with more details later!
Bryan and Owen- aren't genetics crazy?!?!
multi tasking

happy its all over

Baby footprints

Auntie Noelle came and helped the first couple days!

Grandpa Charlie

Grandma Debra

Right after... still over whelmed, tired and happy!

The first time I saw my little boy...

Things went so well and smoothly for us. Bryan is the most amazing father and loves this little boy more than anything.
I am so blessed and lucky to have such wonderful boys in my life!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentines Day!

Yes, I am due, and no I am not in labor. I'm pretty tired of talking about it so lets talk about Valentines Day instead.
Ten years ago today Bryan and I celebrated our first Valentines Day together. This night consisted of Bryan making spaghetti at my parents house. We had the table all decorated and the house to ourselves. (Nothing more exciting than that in high school!!)
I don't remember what I got Bryan but he gave me a very beautiful diamond ring. It's not quite the size of my engagement ring but I like holding them up next to each other! I was so excited to get it and even more excited to wear it to school the next day. But then my parents saw it and weren't quite as excited for their 18 year old to get a diamond ring for her boyfriend of four months. So the diamond went into hiding, not back to Bryan like it was supposed to! Oops! But since we have been married for 3 1/2 years and have a child coming any day I think it's safe for the ring to come out of hiding!
Since all we have from that first V-day is a picture of the table and Bryan making food AND since they're not digital I don't have a pic to post but here is one that is back from 2005, before we were engaged. I do want to scan some of our high school pictures to look at how young we were!
It's hard to believe that it's been 10 years!
I am very lucky!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

39+ appointment and picture

Ironically, I am breathing through a pretty rough contraction as we speak... so here's the update. My appointment today went well, I am a "tight 2" and 60% effaced. She stripped more membrains to try and "stir things up" so we'll see how or if that works. I would be really happy to go in next week because my doctor is on night call and the Chief Resident I like is on labor and delivery that week too. Otherwise if no go they gave me an induction date of Tuesday, February 24th. Yeah- TWO weeks from today! Ahhhhh! I really hope I don't have to go that far!
Things are good, slowly but surely moving along and we'll see what happens!
And now for some pics...

39 weeks
I wish I could capture how big it really is but here is a taste...

Friday, February 6, 2009

Question for Mom's

Since I'm sitting here just waiting to pop I had a thought. For all you Mom's out there...

How did you start labor? Were you induced? Did your water break? Did you start having contractions?

Were you early? Were you overdue?

Everyone keeps telling me that they tried things to get labor going and nothing really worked. Anything work for you?

I'm getting pretty uncomfortable and since we have everything ready I just want to get him out. I have also decided to stop watching 'A Baby Story' and 'Bringing Home Baby'. You know you're ready to be done being pregnant when you root for the "natural birth plan" Mom's to have bad labor and get an epidural!!! The show used to make me cry or get excited and now I'm just jealous that they aren't pregnant anymore!

So- I'd love to hear some labor stories, it might help me live through your labors!
I'll take a picture tomorrow, but I haven't gained any weight so I'm not sure if I look any different. Think contraction thoughts...

Thursday, February 5, 2009

So close... yet so far!

Well I was waiting to update this with a picture but I'm going to be honest, I'm too tired and I dont think my belly has changed much. I will be 39 weeks on Saturday. I went to the doctor on
Tuesday and here are the stats:

-My bloodpressure is still nice and low. I haven't had any swelling which is nice. I still have my wedding ring on- no problem! I am grateful for this!
-I haven't gained any weight in a week, (Apparently some women dont gain any or lose weight in the last 4-6 weeks) I thought this would be my big weight push but apparently it's all baby!
-Baby's heart rate is good- 130's to 140's, while she was trying to find it he was moving and she could clearly see he was in there!
-Then she checked me: I am dialated to 1, easily. Then she decided to check and see if he was moving into position, which led her to strip some membrains and make ME want to cry! She said things looked good and she could see there was "progress" taking place!

So things are good. To be honest I'm getting pretty uncomfortable, not just sleeping but trying to get up off of a chair, picking something off the floor or doing anything that doesn't consist on sitting on my ass. Which is convenient because that's what I do most of the day!

Baby's room is pretty much ready, we just have to put some stuff on the walls, so I will take pictures of it this weekend and post them. I am really happy with how it turned out.

I think that the last couple weeks of pregnancy are really good for being really "over" the pregnancy phase and just wanting to meet your baby. Even though we're really nervous and not sure we're ready, the more uncomfortable I am the more ready I get! It's also a weird feeling just waiting for something to happen. It's pretty surreal to get up everyday just waiting to go into labor! There are two friends of mine down here who I met through nannying and they're both pregnant. Danni WAS due yesteryday the 4th, I am due the 14th and Naomi is due the 24th. We are all hoping to go in at the same time!!!

So, depending on how things go in the next few days I will post again after my next appointment on Tuesday, which will hopefully be my last! We'll see...