Thursday, December 10, 2009
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Owen's 9 month pictures
Here is the link to Owen's 9 month pictures... I can't believe he is already 9 months old!
Now I have to get my Xmas cards out...
Now I have to get my Xmas cards out...
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Bad Blogger... darn good facebooker...
At Mancini's for dinner celebrating Noelle and Rian's engagement!
My little bear
Some of the babies... at Naomi's wedding in Rochester
The only time Owen smiled for a picture when he wasn't distracted by the hay!
Me and my baby boy
Daddy and Owen feeding the animals
About 2 feet!
Owen and Riley (Sarah's little boy)
For those of you who don't have facebook it would seem that I'm never on the computer! It is much easier to put pictures on facebook then to write about each one on my blog. My new goal is to post at least once a week, some pictures some without, just to do it!
We have had a busy fall with lots of trips to the cities, playgroups, meetings and trying to squeeze in family time. I love staying home and feel grateful I can just take care of one little one and be able to stay with Owen. I start taking care of Brooks once a week in December and then full time starting in January. I guess it'll be good practice for #2... in the far distant future!
So I will put up a few fall pictures...
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Picture update
Here are some pics... I wrote an update in the middle!
Owen and Grandpa
I love Mama's homemade baby food!
I think they might be related!
Owen, me, Ryker, Janell, Annie and Kat
I have been pretty busy being involved in way too many groups... Pediatric parties (which I run), two playgroups, Bible study, Festival of Tree's, and trying to get things done at the house! So Owen and I seem like we're always doing something or going somewhere. It is good for me and for him, he loves being around other people and rarely fusses outside of home. He also decided he is going to be a better napper, which means that of course he wont sleep well at night. This kid just doesn't need a lot of sleep and is still happy and healthy! Mama is tired but he seems fine! Sleep is starting to get to me but I'm just not sure what to do. For naps I get him drowsy and shush him to sleep and he takes anywhere from an hour to 2 which has been great. But sleeping was great, only waking up once to nurse. Now it's like he's having nightmares sometimes, he'll wake up, but eyes are closed and just screams, sometimes he wont even nurse because he's so upset. I finally calm him down but he is up every few hours, either hungry or upset or both. I thought we had this sleeping thing down... never say that!!!!
Anyway, he is one happy boy in spite of it. He rarely fusses and pretty much never fusses if he is around people. He is VERY social. Smiles and charms everyone! Just like someone else I know... and married! He is loving the baby food that I make and sometimes refuses store bought baby food. Luckily I like making it and its good for him! He is just starting on the puffs/cherrios but doesnt quite get how that works. He doesn't have any teeth yet which makes gnawing a challenge! He doesn't like drinking out of a sippy cup but will drink out of a regular cup just fine!
He started crawling a few weeks ago! Needless to say there have been some changes in our house! Baby gate up all the time, outlet covers always in and I pretty much have to watch him all the time! He moves fast! He is just starting to pull himself up on things which he seems to be enjoying making us nervous while we wait til he falls! The most said phrase right now is our house is... "you're ok!"
Here are some pics! I will put up new ones soon, we went to the Orchard and pumpkin patch last week!
Out for a walk in his REI onesie, and Kat's hat.... he kinda looks like a robber!
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Counting my stars
I haven't updated in a while, we have a new computer since the laptop crapped out so I'm still trying to figure out how to do pictures and things on this new one.
I needed to blog a little after a rough night. So as some of you know, a good friend of Bryan's had a baby boy, Amos about three weeks ago. He was born with a congenital disorder and has been on machines since he was born. On Saturday his parents made the difficult decision to take him off the machines. They were able to hold him while he took his last breath. We attended the wake last night. It was horrible. I knew that they were having an open casket but I didn't expect it to effect me as much as it did. I also knew that it was going to be difficult and sad beyond belief, but walking in and seeing a bassinet instead of a adult sized casket was almost too much to handle. The pictures were beautiful and they had a slide show that was done by a group called "Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep" its made up of photographers who volunteer to take pictures for parents of babies and are very sick.
Grandparents talked about songs they sang to him, holding him, watching the parents take care of their little one and it was heartbreaking. Josh, the dad, talked about what a wonderful wife he has and amazing Mommy. HE WAS AMAZING- if you have to go through this, that is the kind of husband you want. Attentive to her needs, being supportive and telling her things she needs to hear.
I dont know how you recover from that, ever. I came back to my parents while Noelle and Rian were watching Owen and I squeezed him so tight. I just dont understand why this happens? It's life, its sucky, it's unfair... all I can do is remember little Amos looking very peaceful in his bassinet with his little blankets and remember how lucky I am to have a healthy child.
After hugging Josh and Jess we walked up to the bassinet, it took everything in me to keep it together, I just wanted to pick him up and hold him. He looked like a little doll. He was beautiful.
Okay- I have to stop crying on our new computer. I just always want to remind people when things like this happen that life is short, there are so many meaningless things we get upset about, it's pointless. Since we found out about Amos, there has not been a day I take my baby for granted. I dont mind getting up in the middle of the night because I feel blessed I am needed to do that.
Please remember little Amos in your thoughts and prayers and when your children are giving you a rough day, be thankful they are there.
Love to you all!
I needed to blog a little after a rough night. So as some of you know, a good friend of Bryan's had a baby boy, Amos about three weeks ago. He was born with a congenital disorder and has been on machines since he was born. On Saturday his parents made the difficult decision to take him off the machines. They were able to hold him while he took his last breath. We attended the wake last night. It was horrible. I knew that they were having an open casket but I didn't expect it to effect me as much as it did. I also knew that it was going to be difficult and sad beyond belief, but walking in and seeing a bassinet instead of a adult sized casket was almost too much to handle. The pictures were beautiful and they had a slide show that was done by a group called "Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep" its made up of photographers who volunteer to take pictures for parents of babies and are very sick.
Grandparents talked about songs they sang to him, holding him, watching the parents take care of their little one and it was heartbreaking. Josh, the dad, talked about what a wonderful wife he has and amazing Mommy. HE WAS AMAZING- if you have to go through this, that is the kind of husband you want. Attentive to her needs, being supportive and telling her things she needs to hear.
I dont know how you recover from that, ever. I came back to my parents while Noelle and Rian were watching Owen and I squeezed him so tight. I just dont understand why this happens? It's life, its sucky, it's unfair... all I can do is remember little Amos looking very peaceful in his bassinet with his little blankets and remember how lucky I am to have a healthy child.
After hugging Josh and Jess we walked up to the bassinet, it took everything in me to keep it together, I just wanted to pick him up and hold him. He looked like a little doll. He was beautiful.
Okay- I have to stop crying on our new computer. I just always want to remind people when things like this happen that life is short, there are so many meaningless things we get upset about, it's pointless. Since we found out about Amos, there has not been a day I take my baby for granted. I dont mind getting up in the middle of the night because I feel blessed I am needed to do that.
Please remember little Amos in your thoughts and prayers and when your children are giving you a rough day, be thankful they are there.
Love to you all!
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Owen's 6 month pictures
Here is the link to Owen's 6 month pictures. I was happy we were able to get a couple good family ones as well!
Friday, August 14, 2009
Half b-day and Owen's first wedding
So this week one of my friends down here had a birthday party for our little ones. It was their half birthday! So she made half birthday cakes and we took lots of pictures! Here is the kids first picture- around 6 weeks.
Owen, Natalie and Bram
Monday, August 3, 2009
Post class...
So last week was my last week of my 3 1/2 week class on tutoring kids with dyslexia. It was super intense but very interesting. My days consisted of getting up early, feeding Owen, eating breakfast and getting things ready for my day. Then I would pump before I go, come home at lunch, play with Owen for 5 minutes while my mom or dad made me lunch, then I would eat and pump. Whatever time was left I would play with Owen before heading back to class til 4. When I came home I would nurse, and study, somedays at the same time! I am so greatful my parents for staying with me so I could do the class and do it well. I am proud to announce that I was able to pump enough so that Owen didn't need formula. It took a lot of dedication and time, also some late nights that he slept through, I would get up and pump. But it felt like a big accomplishment so I am proud!
I didn't have much time to do much else but here are some pics from the last month. Owen learned to roll over the first time with my mom- which she LOVED! Now he is rolling all over the place, sometimes if I walk away I have no idea how he moved from where I put him! He is getting to be so much fun and easy to cart around.
I didn't have much time to do much else but here are some pics from the last month. Owen learned to roll over the first time with my mom- which she LOVED! Now he is rolling all over the place, sometimes if I walk away I have no idea how he moved from where I put him! He is getting to be so much fun and easy to cart around.
Owen and my dad aka the Manny... they did this a lot! Owen was taking pictures on the laptop, I think he may take after his grandpa, he loves the computer!
Monday, June 29, 2009
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