I think this one is the best one to show the belly!
So, now that I am getting bigger and people are starting to ask me questions it is nice that I finally FEEL pregnant because I FEEL the baby! I had been feeling him a little at night but not until this week has it been more regular and kicks instead of fluttters. A few days ago Bryan got to feel the baby which was good! I also have been able to see the little kicks once in a while.
I was laying on the couch, and my belly was itching so I started itching my belly, I stopped and a second later there was a little poke in the same place. Apparently he doesn't like the itching!
Also, this little one seems to get up when Bryan is getting ready for work, around 4am. Bryan came in before he left and I told him his son wouldn't stop kicking, he told the little one to go to sleep, and I kid you not- he stopped! It was really funny! I hope that is not a look into the future!
All and all things are going well. Feeling lots of kicks, feeling pretty good, some tired days but for the most part I have a good amount of energy. I have my monthly appointment on Monday but things are good!