Well I know I've been bad and should post pictures now that we've been in for over a week and have internet. So yes, we are starting to settle in. We are missing a few things, our living room set for upstairs, which is stil at Alshey Furniture waiting to be purchased! We did get our patio stuff out on the deck so that is nice to have done. There really isn't anything on the walls, just the guest room packed full of pictures and frames and decorations. Once we have furniture in then we can get on that.
Bryan has two days this week of the ACLS- it's basic life support and running codes. It's stuff he likes but he would rather be on vacation! He officially starts on Monday.
As for me, the few people I've talked to will know that after the first day of my job I knew it wasn't going to work. The people were not friendly, it wasn't what I was expecting or told was going to be at my interview. It is frustrating but after day 2 I was already applying for new jobs. There aren't a lot of jobs here unless you work in a hospital so I started looking at office work and nannying. On Monday I had an interview with a family and their three adorable children. Both parents are physicians so they in need of some help! The hours are random, once a week it will be a 12 hour day, but most are around 6.5 hours, beginning early. I really liked the family and the kids and I'm going back tomorrow to meet with the kids and the nanny, possibly the mom as well if she is not called in. So we'll see!
Things at the house are going well. Bryan has mowed the lawn a few times, killed the weeds and cleared out the garden for our vegi's to start growing! I have vacuumed our home for the first time which was nice since it wasn't an apartment building!
So all in all things are going well, I love the house, I love the neighborhood, everyone has been really friendly. When I get a new job things will really start getting good. We have a couple events through Mayo and it will be nice to meet some more people. Thursday I am going on a walk with a spouse I met, her hubbie is a neuro-surg resident and they live near us. She has a 6 month old. It will be nice to do something that isn't with Bryan! I have been spoiled having him around so much and I know it's going to change pretty dramatically.
Thank you everyone for comments and emails of encouragement. After this weekend I think most things will be organized and I can put up some pictures!
And by the way- I am really excited for New Kids on the Block to come back... I like the new single! They have all aged well and I love, love, love it! My sister won tickets to the concert on the radio and I was so happy I couldn't handle it!!! Yay!! I will love Joey til the day I die!