So you wake up one day not knowing where you will be living in three months, it could be close, it could be west coast, east coast or somewhere in the middle. The way you deal with that is not sleeping for the previous three nights, but your not stressed, no- you are anxious... that's what you tell people!
So this is how the day went down:
I wake up, take a shower, eat (forcefully because I'm not hungry but don't want to pass out when I see Pittsburgh in that envelop), get dressed. Now I am trying to get Bryan out the door, he is pokey and decided last minute to change his shirt, that he needed to iron... ahhhhh!
I am stressed, I mean, full of anxiety... we get in the car and I don't say much, Bryan seems awefully calm and trying to joke around with me to help me relax. It's nice but he counters it with, "are you really stressed?" "No, I'm anxious, don't you know the difference?" (yea- me either!)
So we get the the McNamara Center at the U, it's beautiful, we have been there before for the med school prom his first year of med school. There are a lot of people there, sitting, eating, talking... we see some people we know and sit down. Then a few faculty come and talk, one of which had his letter from 1964 when he matched- that was pretty cool.
Then they have to waste some time because it's not 11am yet and we can't open them until 11am... Okay, finally they say it's time.
They tell everyone that there are tables around the edges of the room and they are separated by last names, A-G... you get it. So we find out table, Bryan picks up the envelop and then I see a TV camera right in my face, so we move out of the chaos to a little open spot. Bryan starts to open it... he looks at it, looks at me...
Bry- It's Mayo
Me- What?
Me- Where are we going for the first year?
Bry- No- it's Mayo, for all four years
Me- WHAT?!?!?! (A few tears)
Then I quickly snapped out of it and yelled, "where's Julie?" (Bryan's med school friend Tony's wife. aka my salvation through this med school thing)
I finally find Julie and yell- "well, where are you?"
She looks at me and says, "we haven't opened it yet."
Me- "well OPEN IT UP!"
They do and look over- "we're staying!"
I am relieved by this point and shaking and realize that I should call my family. Bryan goes to talk to some friends and Julie and I go and sit down at a table and start making calls.
My sister was bawling... My mom said she knew it and was very excited... my dad said he was happy for us... Carrie screamed... and Bryan left a message for his mom saying, "I hope you will enjoy visiting us in Pittsburgh!" But called back later and told her the truth!
Then we went to Sally's for beer and food which was a nice time to chill and talk to people beyond all the chaos. That night we went to Solera where they had free drins and app's for a few hours. They had the whole top room for us with a DJ and it was really fun! Those doctor's know how to drink!
So, that was it. The day we have been waiting for, and it was great! We are very happy and excited for the next step, especially the house!
Thank you everyone for all your love and support through all this!

Bryan and I at Sally's with THE envelop

Tony and Julie

Bryan and Tony at Sally's

Bry at home with his letter!

Me- kissing the letter!