Today was Bryan's LAST interview for residency! Of course, he is in the middle of a blizzard driving back from La Crosse, but that's how it goes!
As of today Bryan has had 13 interviews, this incudes transitional year interviews for his first year, because some programs only provide the last 3 anesthesia years for residency. Confused yet? Me too!
So, in 51 days we will know where we will be settling for 4 years, or 1 year or 5 years... still confused?
Let's change the subject!
This past weekend while Bryan went to Duluth with the boys I spent Saturday in Sartell, MN with Sarah getting our bridesmaid dresses fitted and eating lunch at her parents home. I was also able to talk to a couple of the other bridesmaids about shower and bachelorette plans. I will post some pictures of the dresses later- they're very cute and purpley!
Otherwise, things are going well and I am still on the Match Day (March 20th) countdown but the wedding is a great distraction since it's on March 22nd!