Where do I begin? I was very lucky to be able to have July 4- July 8th off from work! I have great pictures from the whole break but I will have to add later due to a smoking computer that my dad is fixing!!
July 4th: I went to visit the family that I used to PCA for and I don't think I had seen since my wedding. The boys are getting big and the family is doing well. Having two special needs children is a very full time job and they are amazing at it!
Then I went to my Grandma and Grandpa's new town home for food and gin & tonics. (My grandpa makes the best gin & tonic's and never drinks them!)
Bryan had to study for his upcoming tests so I stayed out of the house until 8pm or so to let him study. Then we grabbed a drink and app's at Moose Country and saw some fireworks from there.
July 5th: I decided to make the little trip out to St. Michael and Elk River to visit Kat and Erin and all of their children! It was so wonderful to see Kat, her girls and her growing belly! And as always, it was very entertaining to visit Erin and play with Rowan, and get some pictures of Daylen.
July 6th: I waited for Bryan to come home after his second test so we could head up to Duluth. He got home at a decent time and we were up at Little Angie's drinking margaritia's on the deck by 3. We stayed at the South Pier Inn, and not the Super 8 like Bryan had told me. Our "honeymoon suite" was so beautiful, there were windows everywhere and it was so relaxing. We ate, walked on the Lakewalk and read a lot. It was such a nice break to have to celebrate our second wedding anniversary!
July 9th (our actual anniversary): Bryan started his OB rotation today so I was going to make a yummy meal and we were going to crack a bottle of champagna and hang out. Instead I went home from work sick and stayed on the couch all day. Bryan checked my glands just to make sure and then went grocery shopping. He also picked up a beautiful bouquet of flowers and a card. Now that is a good husband!
All in all it was a wonderful break and I was so spoiled to see so many people I love! I will add pictures soon- I have so many good ones!